Help the Greensburg Kansas Public Library

via PUBLIB: For those of you who would like to help the Greensburg, KS, Kiowa County Library after the devastating tornado they suffered, the Kansas Library Association
Educational Foundation has set up a fund for donations. KLA EF is a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.

The most recent report is that the library building was essentially sheared off three feet above the ground. Everything below three feet is sitting in water, making it a complete loss. PLEASE DO NOT SEND BOOKS, there is no place to put them.

Navigate to this link. Contributions can be made with a credit or debit
card through PayPal, or you can print the PDF form and send a check or money order. All donations should be unspecified, so their FEMA and other relief aid will not be affected.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed a desire to help one small town in Kansas recover and rebuild their library.

Michelle Swain
KLA President, 2006-07

For a tidbit of Greensburg history, go to the town’s website and yesterday’s NYTimes also takes a look at “start from scratch U.S.A.”.