Harvard Sues Desiree Goodwin For Legal Expenses

Talk about adding insult to injury, Desiree Goodwin , who lost her case for promotion against Harvard University and still retains the same low-paying job, has been told by her attorney, Richard Clarey, that Harvard has sent her a bill for $3,319; the legal expenses incurred during her civil rights trial against them.

Goodwin wrote in an e-mail to this reporter “They (Harvard) submitted an affidavit justifying why they feel I should be responsible for their expenses. Harvard resisted all of my efforts to resolve my case through internal procedures and mediation until a lawsuit become inevitable. I was already in debt from my student loans, and not being able to obtain a professional job after completing my education (an MLS), I went even further into debt to pursue justice in the courts, and now this.”

Goodwin sums it up this way: “This is meant to discourage anyone who dares to pursue justice against discrimination in the courts when all other remedies have failed.”