Friday Updates

Friday Updates for this week include Talking books by MP3, fireplace library, protect our kids, Detroit library closed, police protection, e-books, NYU pipe burst, and much more!!

Friday Updates for this week include Talking books by MP3, fireplace library, protect our kids, Detroit library closed, police protection, e-books, NYU pipe burst, and much more!!

From the Entertainment News Daily

Audio-Books Get Wired by Electronic Publisher

\”1st Books Library will become the first electronic publisher to allow authors to self-publish their books in audio format. Readers will soon be able to download original spoken works directly from the Internet for replay in their cars, portable CD players, computers and MP3 devices.\”

From the Chicago Tribune


\”People who came through the glass front door on the Lincoln Avenue side of the building Tuesday entered a 9,000-square-foot library, which is almost three times the size of the storefront building at 306 Lincoln Ave. that the library called home since the early 1960s\”

From USA Today

Protect our kids

\”The first duty of every parent is to keep a child out of harm\’s way. Some parents, particularly Christians, view the Harry Potter series as potentially harmful because witchcraft is portrayed as endearing and innocuous. But others disagree. So how do public schools choose on-site material?\”

From the Detroit Free Press

Fecal coliform found on books damaged by flood in late July

\”The Detroit Public Library main branch will be closed until at least Tuesday to ensure that a flood in late July didn\’t leave behind bacteria that can cause stomach aches and flu-like symptoms.\”

From Journal Now

Durham library wants police protection

\”Durham library officials have asked for police protection at the library\’s main branch because patrons have complained about a robbery, break-ins and panhandlers.\”


Online Books Keep You Out of Line at Wake Libraries

\”The Internet may be your shortest route to the library, thanks to a Web site that may keep you from making a last-minute run to your local branch.\”

From Newsday

Steam Pipe Bursts at NYU Library

\”A 30-year-old high pressure steam pipe sheathed in asbestos ruptured underneath New York University\’s main library early Thursday, blowing a 20-foot hole in the street and forcing the decontamination of more than 70 people, authorities said.\”

From Inside Denver

Gray heads are turning to Internet

\”Every weekday morning, Linda Metcalf watches as several older gentlemen file into the Denver Public Library\’s University Hills Branch.

They sit down to one of the library\’s computers, a mouse in one hand and a Wall Street Journal in the other.\”

From the Bergen Record

Pompton Lakes library named a landmark

\”Residents and borough and county officials stepped back in time Sunday for a historic walk through the downtown district, later unveiling a plaque designating the local library a landmark.\”