Foreign Students Not Scared

tomeboy writes “It was about one year ago that I received an email from a past ALA president about the Patriot Act’s threat to foreign students enrolling in US colleges and universities. (I would have posted it here but I trashed it as I do all these “action alertsâ€? I receive from this person.) Anyway the email predicted that tighter scrutiny with visas would have a negative impact on enrollments and the bottom lines of many schools. I replied back, anonymously of course, that tighter security might not be a bad idea as two of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11 had visa violations. I received a five word response, “Thank you for the information”.

The following article from the Daily Illini states that the Patriot Act has not negatively affected enrollment of foreign students at the University of Illinois.

This article, as most PA articles, includes the obligatory bit about how the government could walk in a library ..”and identify what books are being checked out and by what people.” I am pleased to see that the reporter accurately said are being rather than have been checked out as this is an important distinction.
FWIW our college has not seen a decrease in foreign student enrollment as well.”