FBI Director Mueller column in 1/04 American Libraries

Daniel writes “In the print edition of American Libraries, there is an interesting opinion column from FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III that I think is well worth reading. The column is on pages 48-49 and begins with the words:
“Libraries occupy a special place in American society. They contribute significantly to the First Amendment goal of an open marketplace for ideas by serving as a gateway to knowledge for all Americans, regardless of race, creed, affluence, or educational level.”
Director Mueller discussing Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and how while it has not been used yet in libraries, it is important to keep this tool available. He describes some safeguards on this power, as well as some important criminal cases where information from libraries led to convictions. This information was NOT obtained under Section 215, but for Mueller illustrates the importance of keeping libraries within the potential intelligence net.
Mueller concludes by thanking American Libraries for the chance to address the library community’s concerns.

While I would have liked some discussion of the FBI’s past civil liberties problems and continue to feel the same way about USA PATRIOT as I did before, I applaud his effort at reasoned dialog. I wish Atty Gen Ashcroft and President Bush could be as constructive with their remarks. I only wish I had a web link to share. Please pick up the magazine and read.”