Electronic Publishers Coalition Condemns Criminal Use of DMCA

\”Persecution of an individual shouldn\’t be any company\’s response to a commercial disagreement, especially regarding copyright,\” Connie Foster, the EPC executive director said Sunday.

All members of the EPC — not just a small portion of them as with print-oriented groups like the AAP — work with the Adobe and other electronic formats to publish their e-books, and we recognize that the same technology that benefits publishers with lower production and distribution costs also aids copyright violators.

In this case, readers\’ interests should be paramount, and the leading e-book formats — Adobe\’s among them — slight them by making it impossible to open an e-book when upgrading to a new computer or when suffering a number of all-too-common computer woes, such as virus infection and hard-disk failure.\”

Read the Full Release.

The Electronic Publishers Coalition was founded by a group of publishers committed to furthering the growth of the e-book community. It is the largest trade association of electronic publishers in the world. A primary role of the EPC is to follow through on its commitment to develop a healthy marketplace for digital content as well as to take a leadership role in setting minimum standards in order to encourage quality within our industry.