American Association of Publishers Supports Sklyarov Prosecution

Pat Schroeder and company weigh in:

In the AAP\’s announcement, released July 19, president and CEO Patricia Schroeder hailed Sklyarov\’s arrest as consistent with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, which prohibits the manufacture or distribution of tools designed to circumvent technological protections on copyrighted material. \”It\’s only common sense to expect that, if the public wants desirable books to be available online and through other digital media like the Adobe Reader, the authors and publishers who have the legal rights to commercially exploit such works in the global digital marketplace must have reasonable assurances that the market value of their works can be protected from the extraordinary risks of illegal reproduction and distribution that are made possible by the capabilities of digital media,\” said Schroeder. \”Congress understood this when it enacted the DMCA to help promote the online availability of copyrighted works.\”

This article and an editorial on the case are available at eBookWeb.