DailyPennsylvanian.com – Debate around Patriot Act increases

Blake shares that dailypennsylvanian.com has this story on a debate regarding the Patriot Act.

“Faculty and students across campus are still debating whether government legislation enacted to prevent terrorism leaves the nation protected or just infringes on constitutional rights.

The USA Patriot Act, enacted after Sept. 11, 2001, is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2005, if no attempts are made to modify or renew the bill. Congress is currently weighing its options for updating the act.

President George W. Bush strongly recommended in his State of the Union address that Congress renew the bill in order to continue the fight on terrorism.

Since 2001, more than 250 local and state governments have passed legislation condemning the Patriot Act. Additionally, Congress — in a bill that is presently being debated — has proposed a set of changes to the act known as the Safety and Freedom Ensured Act.”