Cites & Insights 5:5 available

Walt writes Cites & Insights 5:5, Spring 2005, is now available for downloading.

This 24-page issue, PDF as always, includes:

  • Bibs & Blather: A little spring cleaning and the HTML story.
  • ©4: Locking Down Technology: Broadcast flag and Grokster
  • Following Up: The dangling conversation, A walking paper cluster, The hazy crystal ball, DVD oddities, and The Black Pirate in full color (sort of)
  • PC Progress, November 2004-March 2005: a dozen categories.
  • Interesting & Peculiar Products: eight in all.
  • Conference and Program Reports: EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference and one more from ALA Midwinter

HTML is here to stay, but selectively: See the home page for hotlinks.

I’ve done selective HTML for 4:13 through 5:5; more to follow. Watch this space or C&I Updates for announcements.

(And, in inimitable C&I fashion, the very first page refers to an essay that was moved to the next issue as part of copyfitting. It won’t get fixed: once C&I is published, it stays published, goofs and all.)”