Announcing The LISNews Librarian Joke Contest

As the LISNews Librarian Essay Contest winds down it seems like a good time to formally announce the LISNews Librian Joke Contest! We won’t judge each joke, but anyone who submits a joke will be entered to win some cool prizes.

From and …a set of four Needle and ThREAD: Stitching for Literacy cross stitch bookmark patterns, including two designed from the old chicken-and-frog library joke. You know, a chicken walks into a library and says, “book, Book, BOOK!” (you gotta say it like a chicken), so the librarian gives her a book. The chicken takes the book outside and down to a pond where a frog sits on a lily pad and croaks, “read-it, read-it” (that’s right, say it like a frog).

Book Marks from
Web Hosting from

You’ll want to submit your joke(s) HERE starting on MONDAY.

Follow along on the tracker page ( or RSS feed (

LISTen: An Podcast — Episode #107

Technical issues continue to plague us at Erie Looking Productions. LISTen #107 is a lost episode as there will be no recorded audio for this one. The unedited script that has none of the usual handwritten corrections or any ad-libs by the presenter is instead released for consideration. Links to matters referenced are shown as footnotes in the attached PDF file. This peculiar release is made under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

While we plan to release LISTen #108 on March 1st, this is dependent upon us chasing down electrical shorts and other complications. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this difficult time.

(Mirrored at Internet Archive)

LISNews Librarian Essay Contest Starts Today!

The first ever LISNews Librarian Essay Contest invites librarians to write an original essay about issues that impact librarianship. The contest will run for the entire month of February, 2010, with the fabulous prizes awarded sometime in March. Winning essayists will receive one of several prizes including Amazon or Borders gift cards, and a year of hosting from

All Essays Must Be Submitted Here!

You can view only essay entries at
Subscribe to the Essay Contest Entries RSS Feed Here:
Below the break you’ll see answers to your questions.

What did you mean “issues”, what should I write about? ANYTHING that ties into libraries, librarianship or librarians and all those that we deal with. There are over 10 years of stories we’ve posted here, take a look in the archives to see what interests us. Personally, I’m looking forward to reading about everything and anything that people decide to write about, as long as it comes back to libraries somehow. I’m looking to be surprised, challenged, I want to learn a thing or two, and maybe have good laugh.

What about format? You’re writing for librarians, on the web. HTML is welcome, links, short paragraphs, images, and so on… There are a million sites out there that will tell you about the best way to write for the web.

How many words? I’m hesitant to set a hard limit, so let’s just say “essay length.”

How will judging be done? Well, judging writing isn’t exactly easy is it? It’s very subjective, that’s why there will be somewhere between 5 and 10 judges. We’ll all pick our favorites and base the winners on that.

What are the prizes? $25 from Amazon, $50 from Borders, and a year of hosting from LISHost.

What about deadlines? Anything entered in the month of February. You’ll need to put it in the submissions queue and tag it with “essay”. Don’t email anything to me, use the queue.

No, you don’t need to be a librarian.

Yes, you can co-author an article.

Yes, this essay should not be available elsewhere.

No, if you’re a judge you’re not eligible to win.

Yes, if you’ve written for LISNews before you can still win, you just can’t be a judge.

How many essays do you expect to receive? Not many.

The Most Ironic LISNews Post Ever: Improving Access to Research

I bet you’d love to read this article in Science Magazine: Improving Access to Research
The authors write “Last week, the U.S. House Science and Technology Committee’s Roundtable on Scholarly Publishing (on which we served along with 10 others) released a report* arguing that journal articles derived from federal research funding should be made publicly available as quickly as practicable—generally in a year or less after publication—and in ways that will improve scholarship by maximizing the scope for interoperability across articles, among disciplines, and internationally. ”
Unfortunatly…. “The content you requested requires free registration or a subscription to this site. If you already have a user name and password, please sign in below.”
Well at least you can read the report.

LISNews Librarian Essay Contest Some Details

The first ever LISNews Librarian Essay Contest invites librarians to write an original essay about issues that impact librarianship. The contest will run for the entire month of February, 2010, with the fabulous prizes awarded sometime in March. Winning essayists will receive one of several prizes including Amazon or Borders gift cards, and a year of hosting from

When I announced our little contest a few weeks ago I didn’t provide many details. So read on below for a bit of an FAQ. Any other questions just let me know.

What did you mean “issues”, what should I write about? ANYTHING that ties into libraries, librarianship or librarians and all those that we deal with. There are over 10 years of stories we’ve posted here, take a look in the archives to see what interests us. Personally, I’m looking forward to reading about everything and anything that people decide to write about, as long as it comes back to libraries somehow. I’m looking to be surprised, challenged, I want to learn a thing or two, and maybe have good laugh.

What about format? You’re writing for librarians, on the web. HTML is welcome, links, short paragraphs, images, and so on… There are a million sites out there that will tell you about the best way to write for the web.

How many words? I’m hesitant to set a hard limit, so let’s just say “essay length.”

How will judging be done? Well, judging writing isn’t exactly easy is it? It’s very subjective, that’s why there will be somewhere between 5 and 10 judges. We’ll all pick our favorites and base the winners on that.

What are the prizes? $25 from Amazon, $50 from Borders, and a year of hosting from LISHost.

What about deadlines? Anything entered in the month of February. You’ll need to put it in the submissions queue and tag it with “essay”. Don’t email anything to me, use the queue.

No, you don’t need to be a librarian.

Yes, you can co-author an article.

Yes, this essay should not be available elsewhere.

No, if you’re a judge you’re not eligible to win.

Yes, if you’ve written for LISNews before you can still win, you just can’t be a judge.

How many essays do you expect to receive? Not many.

LISNews Librarian Essay Contest

The first ever LISNews Librarian Essay Contest invites librarians to write an original essay about issues that impact librarianship. The contest will run for the entire month of February 2010, with the fabulous prizes awarded sometime in March. Winning essayists will receive one of several prizes including Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift cards, and a year of hosting from

I’ll be happy to answer any questions via email or in the comments below. If you’re interested in being a judge, let me know. I’ll post more details a little later in the month.

Most Popular News @ Your LISNews in 2009

Most Read Posts In 2009

-[1] -126007 – Apparently This Sign Was Necessary
-[2] -21569 – 10 Librarian Blogs To Read in 2009
-[3] -17720 – Granny Finds Porn Flick In Library Movie Rental
-[4] -11845 – Looking For The Right Book Store? This Ain’t It
-[5] -10642 – Booksellers Discuss the Value of E-books and Print Books
-[6] -9818 – Copyright Holders Challenge Sites That Excerpt
-[7] -6952 – Philadelphia is Closing All Of Its Libraries
-[8] -6424 – Book burning on Feb. 10th 2009 due to CPSIA
-[9] -6398 – 2 Librarians Fired For Refusing Book To 12 Year Old
-[10] -5909 – Ten Stories That Shaped 2009

Most Popular Discussions

-[1] -61 – Apparently This Sign Was Necessary
-[2] -57 – Provocative Essay: “The Electronic Book Burning”
-[3] -47 – Looking For The Right Book Store? This Ain’t It
-[4] -47 – Favorite Blogs This Year? Put Them On “The Blogs To Read In 2010” List!

Most Read Posts In 2009

-[1] -126007 – Apparently This Sign Was Necessary
-[2] -21569 – 10 Librarian Blogs To Read in 2009
-[3] -17720 – Granny Finds Porn Flick In Library Movie Rental
-[4] -11845 – Looking For The Right Book Store? This Ain’t It
-[5] -10642 – Booksellers Discuss the Value of E-books and Print Books
-[6] -9818 – Copyright Holders Challenge Sites That Excerpt
-[7] -6952 – Philadelphia is Closing All Of Its Libraries
-[8] -6424 – Book burning on Feb. 10th 2009 due to CPSIA
-[9] -6398 – 2 Librarians Fired For Refusing Book To 12 Year Old
-[10] -5909 – Ten Stories That Shaped 2009

Most Popular Discussions

-[1] -61 – Apparently This Sign Was Necessary
-[2] -57 – Provocative Essay: “The Electronic Book Burning”
-[3] -47 – Looking For The Right Book Store? This Ain’t It
-[4] -47 – Favorite Blogs This Year? Put Them On “The Blogs To Read In 2010” List!
-[5] -37 – 2 Librarians Fired For Refusing Book To 12 Year Old
-[6] -32 – Book burning on Feb. 10th 2009 due to CPSIA
-[7] -30 – President Obama Freezes School Library Funding in 2010
-[8] -29 – A Librarian Makes Economic Case Against Homosexuality
-[9] -25 – Iowa woman arrested for keeping library book
-[10] -19 – Why My Kids Do Not Participate in Summer Reading Programs

How Much Traffic Can A Link From LISNews Bring?

Allow me to brag just a little (again). I asked over the the LSW Friendfeed Group about LISNews and Iris posted a neat graphic and comment:

“Here’s what happened to my stats when you linked to one of my posts recently:”

LISNews Brings The Rain

I had previously bragged about our “Blogs To Read In…” list, it’s usually one of the most read stories of the year. It produced a similar spike in traffic for a blog, but I’m actually surprised how much of a jump The Pegasus Librarian saw from our link last month.

Happy 10th Birthday LISNews!

I almost forgot! 10 years ago today I brought LISNews online. If you’ve been around for awhile you already know the rest of the story, if not, I’ll spare you the details.

I can’t possibly thank everyone who has helped LISNews over the past 10 years. Steve Glabraith, Steven M Cohen & Nabeal Ahmed, were all instrumental in helping me when I needed it most, during the early years, as was Ieleene, Aaron, Rochelle, and a few other authors who helped out for awhile and moved on. Behind the scenes Joe Frazee helped me get the original LISNews server up and running. Over the years a few dedicated souls have tirelessly submitted stories; Martin, Lee Hadden, Charles Davis, and many others. Stephen for the podcast, Robin, Troy, Andy, Dan and all the LISNews authors deserve a big thank you and a pat on the back for all their hard work. LISNews is a collaboritve site, and we all work together to make it great.

I’d like to thank everyone who has ever chipped in to pay for the server, submitted a story, wrote in their journal, left a comment, or just dropped by for a visit.

Happy Birthday LISNews. Here’s hoping we have a few more good years ahead of us!