Announcing The LISNews Librarian Joke Contest

As the LISNews Librarian Essay Contest winds down it seems like a good time to formally announce the LISNews Librian Joke Contest! We won’t judge each joke, but anyone who submits a joke will be entered to win some cool prizes.

From and …a set of four Needle and ThREAD: Stitching for Literacy cross stitch bookmark patterns, including two designed from the old chicken-and-frog library joke. You know, a chicken walks into a library and says, “book, Book, BOOK!” (you gotta say it like a chicken), so the librarian gives her a book. The chicken takes the book outside and down to a pond where a frog sits on a lily pad and croaks, “read-it, read-it” (that’s right, say it like a frog).

Book Marks from
Web Hosting from

You’ll want to submit your joke(s) HERE starting on MONDAY.

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