Blogging, Journalism and Credibility

Fang-Face writes “There is an interesting looking article at The Nation which appears to be one part media criticism and one part study of sociology. Unfortunately, I haven’t read all of it, because it is spread out over five separate pages. Ms. Mackinnon wrote in part:

Blogging, Journalism, and Credibility: Battleground and Common Ground,” a conference held in late January at Harvard, featured a group of fifty journalists, bloggers, news executives, media scholars and librarians trying to make sense of the new media environment. The relationship between bloggers and journalists was a particular focus. Since the conference, the resignation of CNN’s Eason Jordan and the Jeff Gannon White House scandal have only underscored the power of weblogs as a new form of citizens’ media.

The article consists primarily of excerpts and abridgements from participants of the conference.