Becoming A Book

Marylaine Block wrote Becoming A Book several years back. Inspired by Fahrenheit 451 she asked “If you lived in such a society, which book or books would you choose to become? Our memories being the shallow, limited things they are, we each could only save at best a few. And how would you decide?”
She asked her readers what books they save, and got back some really neat titles.

“But it’s nice to know there are so many volunteers in what Drake calls “a conspiracy of goodness [that] could manage to save much if not all of literature.” In fact, though we are choosing to preserve certain complete works, most of us also carry fragments of books and poems and stories and psalms around with us as well. We will not let these words die, not when we have children to pass them down to, and a new world waiting to be put in place with them, after we overthrow the wordless, mindless society of Fahrenheit 451″