Battle of the E-Readers

From Channel Web: Plastic Logic, the maker of Barnes & Noble’s new e-reader said that the book retailer has no intention of challenging Amazon’s widely popular Kindle device. (and what if they were? …can/should Amazon have a monopoly on e-readers?)

The new device will be aimed at an entirely different audience, said Daren Benzi, vice president of business development at Plastic Logic, in an interview with Fox Business News /Battle of the E-Readers.

“We’re actually targeting a different type of customer, the business professional, while Amazon has been targeting the leisure book reading customers,” Benzi said. Holding up a model of the Plastic Logic e-reader Barnes & Noble will be selling, Benzi pointed out that the size of the device is larger than Amazon Kindle’s DX model so that business executives can more easily read newspapers, magazines and other content.

It appears…we’re being targeted.