The well known Librarian’s Internet Index (LII) has merged with IPL at Drexel. As many are aware of, and as mentioned in the notice below, LII has had their funding cut by 50% the last two years. The merger with Drexel allows ILL the opportunity to continue sharing of sites.
This notice appeared in their last weekly e-mail:
This week the editors received a press release announcing LII’s merger with the Internet Public Library (IPL). IPL is a huge and wonderful Web portal hosted by Drexel University and maintained by a consortium of colleges and universities with programs in information science. It has solid funding and a paid staff augmented by graduate students in library and information studies programs, allowing it to maintain and improve the database’s content and aesthetics with new skills and technical tools.
As you may know, in the last two years LII’s funding was cut by 50%. Consequently, we had to reduce the number of sites we add each week, halt improvements to the browsing structure, and generally do less of everything. IPL will give LII’s years of work continued life and value and we think they’ll do a terrific job. The LII editorial staff and the newsletter will continue through April 30, 2009. We will share news with you as it becomes available; for more information, please contact IPL or Linda Crowe at
This was the e-mail they sent to subscribers:
The well known Librarian’s Internet Index (LII) has merged with IPL at Drexel. As many are aware of, and as mentioned in the notice below, LII has had their funding cut by 50% the last two years. The merger with Drexel allows ILL the opportunity to continue sharing of sites.
This notice appeared in their last weekly e-mail:
This week the editors received a press release announcing LII’s merger with the Internet Public Library (IPL). IPL is a huge and wonderful Web portal hosted by Drexel University and maintained by a consortium of colleges and universities with programs in information science. It has solid funding and a paid staff augmented by graduate students in library and information studies programs, allowing it to maintain and improve the database’s content and aesthetics with new skills and technical tools.
As you may know, in the last two years LII’s funding was cut by 50%. Consequently, we had to reduce the number of sites we add each week, halt improvements to the browsing structure, and generally do less of everything. IPL will give LII’s years of work continued life and value and we think they’ll do a terrific job. The LII editorial staff and the newsletter will continue through April 30, 2009. We will share news with you as it becomes available; for more information, please contact IPL or Linda Crowe at
This was the e-mail they sent to subscribers:
As announced in our last newsletter, Drexel University is merging LII’s database into the IPL database. We understand that this will take long enough that we’ll have to skip a newsletter, so when that email doesn’t come in, it’ll be us taking a break while technology happens. We expect to send the next newsletter out on Thursday, October 16, 2008. There may be some ups and downs while all this is going on, so please bear with us and address any questions to or
Thank you,
The Editors
I’m glad that LII will continue as they share great sites each week.
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