nbruce writes:
While tracking down something else, I came across an interesting article in the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Vol. 40, no.3, and it is on-line at Virginia Polytech. It is on “informal learningâ€? and wasn’t exactly what I expected to find. The study involved analyzing the advice experienced teachers would give first year teachers–i.e., what they had more or less learned from experience, not training.
The simulation work exercise asked participants to imagine that they have won the lottery and are leaving their current position. They have decided to write a memo to their successor containing their best piece of advice on how to survive in the job: what they know now that they wish someone had told them as they began their work in this position. Subjects worked individually and then in a group to place the advice into categories: instrumental, emotional, and political.
Because of the statistical tables and the literature review, this article is a cut above the “how I did it goodâ€? articles that we all find so helpful, but which journals don’t want to publish. Although written about and for trade and industrial education teachers, I think it would be useful for anyone in teaching, and in education in general. The political advice in the article is standard, but priceless for a first year person in any field, including librarianship. I wish I’d had something similar years ago in the library field–and perhaps there is something out there about informal learning and librarians. I haven’t searched the LIS literature on this topic.
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