Article on Sanford Berman by Holocaust Group

Steve Fesenmaier writes “The University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies has published a nice article about Sanford Berman’s many efforts in libraries to fight for human rights. Read it in their current fall 2007 newsletter.

Local Librarian
Fights for Armenian
One might think that the issues of libraries
escape those who do research and
teach about genocide. After all, has a library
been mentioned in the Darfur genocide
discourse? However, in 2003, Rebecca
Knuth published a monograph,
Libricide: The State Sponsored Destruction of
Books and Libraries in the Twentieth Century
(Greenwood Press). In case readers might
think this is an artificial subject, one might
reflect on the famous quote by the German
poet Heinrich Heine which is now at
the Bebelplatz at Humboldt University in
Berlin: “Where they have burned books,
they will end in burning human beings.”
Luckily, this hasn’t happened in Minnesota.
One reason is because of a local
retired librarian “watchdog,” Sandy Berman.
read .

the rest of the story on page 9 [PDF]”