Archival Environment, Part 3 The Metadata Dilemma

Archival Environment: The Metadata Dilemma: There is an apocryphal story about metadata and archive processing that illustrates the unique relationship of the two environments. It seems that once there was a government store of space exploration information. As rockets entered outer space, metrics (i.e., telemetry) were sent back to the ground and recorded. This telemetry information provided much interesting scientific information about space exploration and was of great value to the scientific community. Indeed, the government built an impressive archive of the telemetric data that had been captured. The archive had state-of-the-art archival technology. The archival storage was protected. The telemetry data was classified. The metrics were protected and stored in excruciating detail.

In order to make your archival data really useful, you need to know what the archival data means.