America’s most literate cities: The Reports Continue

The “America’s Most Literate Cities,” continue to work their way through the local press around the country. Cities like Memphis, Cincinati, Columbus and Rochester, all did well, The Mad City and Minneapolis are happy.

and at least Tucson is better than Phoenix, but El Paso Ranked Last. El Pasoans explain their rank in the reading study with some good reasons. The language, economic and social barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Many cities with large populations of immigrants and non-native English speakers ranked in the bottom quarter of America’s Most Literate Cities study. Eighteen of the bottom 20 cities were in California, Arizona, Florida and Texas.
“If you look at the top 20 cities, there’s no real pattern,” Miller said, but he said that the bottom 20 cities are clearly more minority — and that education levels, native languages and economic conditions in those cities probably play bigger roles.
The Study also ranked Public Libraries, putting Akron at #1, followed by Kansas City, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and my old home, Columbus.