ABA on Harry Potter: Scholastic Not Being Book Fair

“Scholastic School Division is pre-selling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix through Scholastic’s book fairs. In at least one book fair promotion, for each Harry Potter order, Scholastic guarantees a first-edition copy, a collectible baseball cap, and an official certificate of purchase, which the buyer receives when pre-ordering the book.”

“The news of the Scholastic book fair Potter promotion has a number of booksellers,who contend that the children’s publisher is undercutting them on what’s sure to be this year’s biggest seller, up in arms. In response to Scholastic’s book fair promotion, and on behalf of independent booksellers, ABA today wrote Scholastic Vice President of Trade Books Michael Jacobs calling for the publisher to “immediately reevaluate this unfortunate decision.” (from Bookselling This Week)