A tale of two Harry Potters in Jacksonville FL

The Associated Press reports that Duval County School District has decided to require a permission slip signed by a parent before any student can check out Harry Potter books. But that\’s not the end of this story…

The Associated Press reports that Duval County School District has decided to require a permission slip signed by a parent before any student can check out Harry Potter books. But that\’s not the end of this story…

The resulting foofuraw might actually mean more if Jacksonville Public Library weren\’t steadfastly defending kids\’ right to read fantasy novels. A librarian at JaxPL pointed out in a recent email discussion that \”while permission slips may be required by the school system, Jacksonville Public Library\’s Harry Potter books are on open display and may be checked out without parental approval.\”

So much for half-assed censorship, say I. Kids are smart enough to treat censorship as damage, to paraphrase EFF co-founder John Gilmore, and route around it. (Uh oh, am I turning into Jon Katz? Coming soon to a site near you: Voices from the Shushmouth.)

Now where was that spellbook I was looking for? Ah yes, here it is: Bigby\’s Assertive Finger…