A Case in Antiquities for ‘Finders Keepers’

Article in the NYT that discusses who owns antiquities. For library relevance there is a portion of the article that has a rip, mix, burn meme in it. There is also interesting discussion of the Rosetta stone.

Excerpt from article: As the director of the Art Institute of Chicago, Dr. Cuno has his own obvious motives for acquiring foreign antiquities, and he makes no apology for wanting to display Middle Eastern statues to Midwesterners.

“It is in the nature of our species to connect and exchange,” Dr. Cuno writes. “And the result is a common culture in which we all have a stake. It is not, and can never be, the property of one modern nation or another.”

Full article here.

Article mentions this book: Who Owns Antiquity?: Museums and the Battle over Our Ancient Heritage