June 2003

Capt. Grandma Seeks to Wipe Out `Diaper Baby’

The Canton Repository reports there is a battle under way in the Riverside Unified School District over the presence in its libraries of a kids’ book called “The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby.”

Captain Grandma! brought it up before a school district library committee. Her real name is Pam Santi. She’s a 55-year-old businesswoman who is raising four grandchildren and who feels, in so many words, that the Super Diaper Baby book is a piece of, well, garbage.

Expanding the Public Domain

Anne Karle-Zenith writes Check It Out!

Bravo to Representatives Lofgren and Doolittle from California, who introduced this bill yesterday. This is an important issue that more information professionals need to be aware of and hopefully, get involved with. As a former music business employee, I am only too aware of how powerful copyright holders are on Capital Hill. This is our chance to speak out. I encourage everyone on this list to read up on this issue, sign the petition and write to your Representatives in support of this bill! “

U.N. Wants Poor Nations to Use Wireless Internet

We’ve all been bamboozled with WiFi hype. Many people gave their vitriolic responses to a story I posted in March. Now here’s an article advocating WiFi as a solution to the worlds problems!

“It is precisely in places where no infrastructure exists that Wi-Fi can be particularly effective, helping countries to leapfrog generations of telecommunications technology and infrastructure and empower their people,” Kofi Annan said.

Does he have a point? Is this just U.S. corporations trying to get into a new market?

Here’s the full story

Marquee Scientists Challenge

Lee Hadden writes: “The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the high cost of
medical journals. See the issue for June 26, 2003, “Marquee Scientists Challenge
Expensive Medical Journals.” By SHARON BEGLEY, Staff Reporter of THE WALL
STREET JOURNAL. “In a challenge to the profitable business of science publishing,
a marquee group of biomedical scientists is trying to move peer-reviewed
research out of the exclusive world of expensive medical journals and make it
freely available to everyone.”

Lee Hadden writes: “The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the high cost of
medical journals. See the issue for June 26, 2003, “Marquee Scientists Challenge
Expensive Medical Journals.” By SHARON BEGLEY, Staff Reporter of THE WALL
STREET JOURNAL. “In a challenge to the profitable business of science publishing,
a marquee group of biomedical scientists is trying to move peer-reviewed
research out of the exclusive world of expensive medical journals and make it
freely available to everyone.” “Hoping to facilitate that effort, Rep. Martin O. Sabo (D., Minn.)
Thursday is introducing federal legislation that would exclude from U.S. copyright
protection papers describing any research financed largely with federal
dollars. Journals such as Cell, Neuron and Nature wouldn’t own the papers they
publish, as is now the case, a situation that enables them to charge for access to
the documents. The bill also would require that all such papers be made
available to everyone, presumably electronically, at no charge.”
“The public is disenfranchised, as are scientists at less-wealthy
institutions,” says Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, former director of the National
Institutes of Health, and current president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center in New York. Dr. Varmus is co-founder of the Public Library of Science,
or PLoS, a nonprofit group based in San Francisco that is leading the
open-access effort. PLoS, which also has the support of James Watson, co-discoverer of
the famous DNA double helix, aims to launch a series of free-to-all,
peer-reviewed biomedical journals beginning later this year, regardless of what happens
with Rep. Sabo’s legislation.

Read more about it at: www.wsj.com (subscription required)

Evergreen Review, V.1, No. 2

I admit with no reluctance to a certain weakness for old books. An old book contains two stories: its contents and whatever tales its users have attached to it over the years. Sometimes I like a book because of the way it has worn: like an old shoe or a favorite hat, books break in and become comfortable; their spines relax and their pages lie flat without effort; they smell of someone’s home—they carry the memory of the owner’s hair, his cigar, her perfume, the particular dust of the place, the residue of curtains or carpets or hardwood shelves or sometimes the faint aroma of a musty attic trunk. I look for books like that, sniff and feel for them like a hog searches for a hidden acorn, and for the same reason.

I admit with no reluctance to a certain weakness for old books. An old book contains two stories: its contents and whatever tales its users have attached to it over the years. Sometimes I like a book because of the way it has worn: like an old shoe or a favorite hat, books break in and become comfortable; their spines relax and their pages lie flat without effort; they smell of someone’s home—they carry the memory of the owner’s hair, his cigar, her perfume, the particular dust of the place, the residue of curtains or carpets or hardwood shelves or sometimes the faint aroma of a musty attic trunk. I look for books like that, sniff and feel for them like a hog searches for a hidden acorn, and for the same reason. As a result my house occasionally resembles an old bookshop. In order for it to function as a home, the woman who functions as my wife will sometimes request that I transfer certain of my selections to the care of others, permanently. I suppose the solution to this situation would be to reduce my intake of new old books, but that discipline would be difficult if not impossible to maintain, and the added burden of the enforcement would work a hardship upon my wife.

I have found that the best places to obtain new material for my ever-shifting collection is at library book sales. Public libraries discard quite a few good old books. It isn’t that they don’t care about books; quite the opposite. The librarians care more for the books than the patrons, but the nature of the library is such that it continually replenishes its supply; it is not an archive nor a museum but a collection for use by a public whose tastes change and whose appetites are constantly whetted by new releases from the publishing world. What this means of course is that many a worthy title goes out to the Friends’ book sale, and sometimes to my hands.

The other day I came across a small gem which had been donated to a library near me, but never saw a day of life on the shelf. One of the staff probably gave it a glance and decided it didn’t merit space. That is too bad for the library, and quite good for me.

The book is not really a book but a periodical. By way of title it is Evergreen Review, volume 1, number 2, which emerged from Barney Rosset’s Grove Press in 1957. The serious student of modern literature will by the conclusion of the last sentence have begun to feel the hairs arise upon the back of his neck; for the rest of the world, a brief explanation is in order.

The Evergreen Review was a little project of Rosset’s fertile mind; Rosset brought D.H. Lawrence’s lively story about Lady Chatterley and her gamekeeper to the American market (and the courts) as well as Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer; Grove Press existed at the bright and dangerous cutting edge of publishing from 1951 to its demise in 1985, and it was only natural that Rosset would undertake a magazine to showcase the newest bright (and dark!) lights of the time. Hence the Review, whose first issue showcased Rosset’s pals Jean-Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett and Mark Schorer, among others in 201 provocative pages.

The second issue, which rests in my lap, bore the title ‘San Francisco Scene,’ and featured a jostling crowd of Beats and fellow travelers: Allen Ginsberg’s Howl appears here, along with work by Jack Kerouac, Henry Miller and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. It is quite something even at this late date to flip to page 137 and imagine an impressionable young man absorbing these lines, obtained for one dollar American, while sucking on a Galois in the espresso-stained gloom of some college-town coffeehouse:

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix . . .

That line alone is probably responsible for half the English majors of my generation, not to mention quite a bit of the most sincere form of flattery, most of which stunk badly in comparison, but that’s life: Ginsberg is as vulnerable to bad imitation as Hemingway or Shakespeare or anybody with a distinct style, and that, of course, he had in spades. There is a photograph of him in the gallery which begins on page 65, appallingly young in denim shirt, nursing the inevitable dying remnant of a flattened smoke between his fingers, staring into the camera and our souls, not a gray hair on his head, frozen in time here on these pages, which scholars will turn and read and marvel at when our grandchildren are long in their graves.

Not far before the picture gallery there is a piece by Ralph J. Gleason, ‘The San Francisco Jazz Scene.’ Gleason’s writing style was forged at the old Chronicle and honed in the dim light of cigar-box clubs; his piece begins “San Francisco has always been a good-time town. For periods it has been a wide-open town.” This is more than a music review; it is witness-journalism mated with the spare style of the noir novel, and Gleason made it work for himself and us through a career that spanned musical light-years in terms of the changes he witnessed and wrote about first-hand. Gleason would one day join Jann Wenner in founding Rolling Stone magazine; before that he would be an early champion of Lenny Bruce, Miles Davis and Bob Dylan. He lived fifty-eight years by the calendar, and he was about forty and in his prime when this piece found its place in the Review.

Jack Kerouac gives us a sample of himself in ‘October in the Railroad Earth,’ whose opening sentence runs nearly the length of a page and rambles like a dope-smoking street bum through an edgy film loop of San Francisco in a long moment that took place just back of the Southern Pacific station at Third and Townsend. This is Kerouac before the booze sets in; in the same year he will become famous from the publication of On the Road, and be unable to deal with all that. I would quote you some of this, give you some idea, but he doesn’t use periods any more than a hurricane and I wouldn’t know when to make it quit. Go see for yourself.

And so it lies here in my lap, this gem of a discard, mine for two bits to do with as I please. Right now I have been pleasing to try to describe this faded little magazine without implying somehow that the library from which it was obtained might better have thrown a call number across its narrow back and let another generation of youth become polluted by its content, but I’m not going to suggest that and if they want some of this they can probably get it on the Internet, if they can find it by themselves.

Michael McGrorty

Dotcom Layoff Leads Back to the Stacks

-Heather. spotted This One from over at Monster.com on a geek turned librarian.

A former work colleague who had earned her master’s in library science encouraged Abrams to marry his love of books and technology. “Things that looked interesting to me — jobs in information architecture — suggested an MLS degree,” he says.

School libraries in ‘miserable’ state: national librarian

\”Canada\’s youth risk falling behind unless school libraries get more resources, says Canada\’s national librarian, with the support of a new study called The Crisis in Canada\’s School Libraries.\”

\”In many places the state of school libraries is just miserable,\” Roch Carrier told the International Forum of Canadian Children\’s Literature on Thursday.\”

\”In this rich Canada, I saw libraries in schools where they could not buy books for the last 10 years.\” (from CBC Ottawa)

Where is Harry Potter Book Six?

Judging from the server logs, more than a few people are trying to find details on the as-yet unnamed and unreleased Harry Potter 6. The Answer seems to be, when she gets done. The best thing I could find says “Rowling, who took about three years to write “Phoenix,” said in a television interview on Thursday that she had already begun the as-yet unnamed Harry Potter 6.” Bloomsbury said on Friday there were no delivery deadlines for it, and the publication date for the sixth book will likely be a significant factor in its business in the years to come.

Rowling also said she has started work on the sixth book, picking up a pen while pregnant with her son, David.

“I actually did get some writing done the other day; and that’s not bad going because he’s only 10 weeks. So he’s pretty full time at the moment,” she said

Source, or you can read JK Rowling interview in full from Jeremy Paxman’s exclusive Newsnight interview at the BBC.

Arabic Texts May Aid in Fighting Disease

“As many as 5 million ancient and recent manuscripts may lie unexplored in West African private libraries and hidden underground, and some may provide clues to diseases that have spread from the continent, the Librarian of Congress says.”

“I’d bet there’s material in those African manuscripts about disease we’ve never even heard of,” James H. Billington said in an interview, recalling that in medieval times Arabic medicine was far ahead of European practices. HIV, ebola and other diseases originated in African areas whose history is still to be explored.” (from AP)

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, volume 3, issue 8

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, volume 3, issue 8 (July 2003), is
now available for downloading.

This 20-page issue includes:

*Bibs & Blather: A Month without Writing

*Copyright Perspective: Why Make Records…?

*Censorware Chronicles: COPA Revisited

*Perspective: Making Sound, Making Music

*PC Progress

*disContent: The Magazine Quandary

*Scholarly Article Access: Open-access Journals

*Interesting & Peculiar Products