Yahoo Now Ties Google in NA with 40% Each points to a PC World Piece on a study that says Google may be getting most of the attention among search engines, especially with its upcoming initial public offering, but new Forrester Research data on search habits shows Yahoo is still getting a big piece of the action.

Use of Yahoo as a search engine ties that of the mighty Google in the most recent Consumer Technographics survey, sponsored by Forrester, of more than 60,000 North American households. Each of those search engines shows up with 40 percent of Web surfers who use a portal or search site at least once a week. And Forrester believes use of Yahoo search will surge ahead of Google in the first quarter of 2005, says George Colony, Forrester chair and CEO.

A quick peak at the LISNews stats shows well over 50% from google, and well under 20% for Yahoo for the month of July.