Lori Reed, creator with Heather Braum of the website Save Libraries is preparing background for a news story on which library systems are facing cuts. We could use your assistance and make the biggest impact and the loudest entreaties to budgetary decision-makers with a near complete list of libraries facing cuts.
Apart from the states of New York and New Jersey, San Jose CA, Boston, MA Charlotte NC and Jacksonville, FL…please let us know what other state, city or regional systems may have to be cut back or cut out by adding your comment below.
More cuts
Dallas PL
Birmingham PL system
Wilkes County Library (NC)
Siskiyou County, California,
Prescott PL (Arizona)
Bakersfield County (CA)
Shenandoah County Library (VA)
Montgomery County, MD
Mobile services being cute
Washington County Public Library (OH)
Illinois Library Systems
Illinois library system (general): http://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/news/05192010/no-check-mail-illinois-cooperatives-lay-dozens
North Suburban Library System: http://www.nsls.info/
Alliance Library System: http://www.galesburg.com/features/x1035104849/Alliance-Library-System-cuts-services-to-local-libraries
Shawnee Library System: http://dailyegyptian.com/2010/05/25/shawnee-library-university-system-prepares-for-big-changes-and-even-bigger-cuts/
Levy, mergers discussed at Youngstown library meeting
Don’t forget school libraries as well
We have been taking hits for a number of years, but things are taking a turn for the worse for us as well. I am sure I speak for many school librarians when I say we’d like to be included so that people realize that this corner of library world (and one that is important, too) is also under attack.
Las Vegas-Clark County
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (Las Vegas, NV) reduces service hours and staff.
I know that Kalamazoo (MI)
I know that Kalamazoo (MI) Public Library is undergoing a number of cuts due to a combination of declining city revenue and budget cuts. They’ve eliminated the Bookmobile due to budgetary reasons because there was not money in the budget for repairs. That’s a shame because a fair number of individuals in the community lack the means to get to the main branch or another branch and the bookmobile was their connection with the library. They’re also not replacing some open paraprofessional positions due to promotions, resignations, or retirements that they would have filled a year ago.
They’ve also engaged the services of a paid library “consultant” to look for areas where they could reduce costs. This person has successfully consulted at other libraries. They’ve also decided to renovate the check out areas and put in several self checkout stations. The money for this consultant and the renovations had to have come from somewhere. Too bad that money couldn’t have been used to replace vacancies.
Kalamazoo Public Library Budget Cuts
Kalamazoo Public Library (MI) receives 92.5% of its revenue from library district property taxes. KPL’s revenue has decreased almost $900,000, about 7% of the annual budget since 2008. Experts say property tax values will continue to drop in Kalamazoo and across Michigan.
To meet these budget challenges, KPL eliminated its bookmobile in March 2010, reduced budgets in many areas, reduced salaried staff by 9 FTEs and significantly cut hourly staff, and will reduce hours in its Law Library and four branch libraries. http://www.kpl.gov/locations-hours/
KPL engaged Sandra Nelson http://www.sandranelson.com/ to guide the library through a strategic planning process to better determine what services are most needed and valued in the community. Nelson is NOT helping KPL “look for areas … [to] reduce costs,” as suggested in an earlier post. http://www.kpl.gov/strategic-planning/
A significant anonymous bequest paid for implementation of RFID, the checkout area renovation, and several self checkout stations–upgrades beyond the scope of the current operating budget. These changes resulted in greater efficiency and reduced staff hours in the circulation area. http://www.kpl.gov/renovation/
More on Illinois Library Systems
Lewis & Clark Library System
Shawnee Library System
North Suburban Library System
Illinois Library Systems
Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library
Link to library’s website on what the library is trying to do…
Link to most recent article in local paper, Indianapolis Star
Tacoma Public Library
Here’s the article from the Tacoma News Tribune
Washington, DC
Reduction in hours at Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro Vt
Reduction in part-time hours has forced us to reduce hours open from 56 to 50.
Full story here, http://www.brooks.lib.vt.us/pdf/newweeklyhours.pdf