When Washington was in vogue

nbruce writes: “Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (January 23, 2004) reviews the novel When Washington was in vogue (Amistad), a love story that includes conflicts between bourgeois blacks and traditional working class blacks of the 1920s. It was originally serialized anonymously in The Messenger and has been issued as a book for the first time. The author, Edward Christopher Williams (1871-1929) was a librarian, playwright and teacher. According to the website about black culture in Washington DC.:
“Soon after graduation [from Case Western], Williams accepted the Assistant Librarian position at his alma mater, where he initially prepared the plan of organization of the Library School and taught courses in collection development. In 1898, he not only earned a promotion to Library Director at Case Western Reserve University, but also took sabbatical in order to attend the New York State Library School in Albany.After completing the two-year Masters Degree program in one year, Williams returned to the University and continued to serve admirably. When Case Western Reserve established the Library School in 1904, Williams taught courses in Reference Work, Bibliography, Public Documents, and Book Selection.In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was a founding member of the Ohio Library Association (OLA) and lectured at the Ohio Institute of Library workers, which held its annual meetings each year at OLA.”He gave up his library career in 1909 to go into education and then became a writer, but never lost his interest in libraries, returning to the field in 1920 at Howard University.