What Writers Are Worth Saving? Web Service Runs the Numbers

One of the interesting things about the increasingly measured world of journalism is that new and surprising statistics are emerging about what kind of writing and writers are the stickiest.

Read It Later, the Web service that allows surfers to hit a button and save an article for future consumption, has been around since 2007, but it has really gained traction with the advent of tablets. Amid the hurly-burly of daytime activity, many readers don’t have time to devote to long stories, but devices like the iPad are ideal for leaning back and taking in something glorious, at one’s leisure. Read It Later offers a one-click way to save articles that might otherwise become lost and never read. Nate Weiner, the founder of Read It Later, wrote a post this year that noted that people were time-shifting content to later in the day, programming their evening hours with long-form material.

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