What would O’Brian have thought of ‘Commander’?

Patrick T. Reardon Says Patrick O’Brian would have hated “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.” He says It’s a wonderful film, But, as he knows from interviewing him, O’Brian was a prickly coot, and, when it came to his writing, his characters and just about anything, he was quick to take offense. With no control over the movie, O’Brian would have been aghast at the liberties the filmmakers took, such as the way they cherry-picked scenes from the long run of novels to give the movie a near-constant flow of action. That continuous action, too, went against the general tenor of his novels, which focused much more on the everyday routines and challenges of shipboard life than on events such as storms and battles.

But how would he have felt about his URL?

Another good look at the movie/book connection at smh.com.au.