What Makes a TV Show Indecent?

AshtabulaGuy writes “On February 28th the (United States) Federal Communications Commission released three orders denying complaints that particular broadcasts were “indecent”. What were the grounds and what were the cases? Saving Private Ryan, Will & Grace, and Arrested Development (all three news releases in Adobe Acrobat format) were all cases that the FCC recently disposed of. Each order that the news releases refer to provides the background to the particular complaint and a methodical laying out of reasoning for denying the complaint. For librarians wondering whether or not something is “indecent”, the orders provide useful views as to the FCC’s thinking.

For those wanting to see the orders to understand more of what the FCC is thinking beyond what is said in the terse news releases, they are available in Adobe Acrobat format for Saving Private Ryan, Will & Grace, and Arrested Development.”