What libraries can do to help

There is a discussion developing on WEB4LIB on What libraries can do to help at a time like this.

So far LC has said \”the Library of Congress and the Congressional Research Service, and all of our librarians, are providing reference and information services and analysis to Congress as they deliberate today and over the coming days on \”What next\”…\”

Other people have said that they are staying open, and answering questions on NYC and The World Trade Center.

I am amazed at how everyone is pulling together on this, it\’s truly amazing. Corporations, individuals, everyone is really doing whatever they can to ease the pain, and help us as a country to move forward.

So what else can libraries do to help? Post your ideas below.

There is a discussion developing on WEB4LIB on What libraries can do to help at a time like this.

So far LC has said \”the Library of Congress and the Congressional Research Service, and all of our librarians, are providing reference and information services and analysis to Congress as they deliberate today and over the coming days on \”What next\”…\”

Other people have said that they are staying open, and answering questions on NYC and The World Trade Center.

I am amazed at how everyone is pulling together on this, it\’s truly amazing. Corporations, individuals, everyone is really doing whatever they can to ease the pain, and help us as a country to move forward.

So what else can libraries do to help? Post your ideas below.Gary Price is putting together some stuff:

1) The Virtual Acquisition Shelf and News Desk
Includes info on several Congressional Research Service Full-Text reports on
terrorism, foreign policy, etc.


2) Speech and Transcript Center


Speeches/statements U.S. and foreign leaders. Transcripts of press
conferences, etc.

3) Current Awareness Using Streaming Media

Watch/Listen to broadcasts from around the world.

Research Buzzzzz has put together a great collection of links.

Bill Drew ias put together a collection of links at:


Add your ideas below.