Web Springs Into Action After London Attacks

The Curmudgeony Librarian writes “In the face of the London Bombings of July 7th, the web has responded with an outpouring of news and commentary which bypasses the major news networks. Users are encouraged to add additional resources or other news sources in the comments section, as well as repost this to other blogs and/or forums.”

The Curmudgeony Librarian writes “In the face of the London Bombings of July 7th, the web has responded with an outpouring of news and commentary which bypasses the major news networks. Users are encouraged to add additional resources or other news sources in the comments section, as well as repost this to other blogs and/or forums.”Much as with the Madrid bombings of 2004 and the September 11, 2001 attacks, there has been an outpouring of information and sympathy via the web, with notes and comments post in many of the electronic forums, including Slashdot; BoingBoing; MetaFilter; Plastic;
and Fark. A new community has formed on LiveJournal called London Incidents 7 July 2005 and features news and commentary as well as a roll call for LJ survivors. The site http://vinari.co.uk/lb/ has set up a updateable survivor listing.

The services del.icio.us and Technorati are encouraging the use of the tag “london77” for links related to the events. The Wikipedia organization is providing both rapid news updates via its Wikinews division as well as a detailed Wikipedia entry. The photo blog sites
Moblog.co.uk, and
Nowpublic are featuring images taken by users in and around London.