Web filter leaves residue of outrage

Rob Brian wrote in from OZ:

Members of our
Parliament and those of us who may need to access
the Internet in order to provide them with relevant
information now once more have full access to the
You can read The Story from the The Sydney Morning


An extraordinary exchange of e-mail communications
was provoked when MPs and parliamentary sections
were notified a week ago the Premier\’s Department
had ordered \”filtering\” (read censoring or shutting
down) of Web sites dealing with criminal skills, dating,
extreme or obscene sites, gambling, games, hate
speech and sex.\”

Rob Brian wrote in from OZ:

Members of our
Parliament and those of us who may need to access
the Internet in order to provide them with relevant
information now once more have full access to the
You can read The Story from the The Sydney Morning


An extraordinary exchange of e-mail communications
was provoked when MPs and parliamentary sections
were notified a week ago the Premier\’s Department
had ordered \”filtering\” (read censoring or shutting
down) of Web sites dealing with criminal skills, dating,
extreme or obscene sites, gambling, games, hate
speech and sex.\”Without access to gambling sites, library researchers
could not have written authoritative briefing papers for
MPs on the gaming industry.

\”By the way, if \’gambling\’ sites are filtered, does this
include the stock exchange and online trading?\” Mr
Brian demanded.

Pressing his anti-censorship case, Mr Brian ended by
invoking the library motto, inscribed in the stained glass
ceiling of the Parliament\’s grand Jubilee Room:
Knowledge is the mother of wisdom and virtue.

Not all were indignant. Upper House Liberal Mr Charlie
Lynn shot in: \”I have just checked the Yellow Pages in
my office and found that pages 107-111 advertise \’Adult\’
services. These should be removed forthwith.\”