Warning signs to be posted at libraries

Santa Cruz, California, is among the first library systems in the nation to warn patrons about the ramifications of the PATRIOT Act. Signs to be posted at library branches in Santa Cruz County and on the library Web site will inform people that records of books and other materials borrowed from the library may be obtained by federal agents.

Librarians in other communities have decided against warning signs, for fear the signs might have a \”chilling effect\” on library use. Here, library board members concluded the Patriot Act has a \”chilling effect\” of its own and that the public has a right to know.

Here\’s The Full, Chilly, Story, and One On Santa Cruz, California, area booksellers, who say they are keeping traceable information at a minimum. That’s good news for civil rights advocates, who say people shouldn’t have to worry about \”The Anarchist Cookbook\” they picked up on a whim or the history of Hamas they bought a friend for Christmas.