Want More PCs? Someone’s Got to Pay for Them

The AP reports: YouTube, online job applications and homework help sites have boosted demand and contributed to lines for Internet access at the nation’s public libraries, yet a new survey finds the majority have no immediate plans to add computers.

For many library systems, the buildings simply do not have enough room, and their electrical wiring couldn’t deliver the required power. Others are already struggling to stay open, buy books and encourage youths to read.

“We have this entirely brand new service coming to libraries, but the funding has not recognized that,” said Kathleen Reif, director of the St. Mary’s County Library in Leonardtown, Md. “We’re still continuing the books, the outreach, the work with young children and the student support.”

A new study from the American Library Association, scheduled for release Wednesday, finds the average number of public Internet terminals largely unchanged since 2002, yet only 1 in 5 libraries say they have enough computers to meet demand at all times.