Using LISNews As A Feed Reader

I’m slowly but surely whipping the new slashcode into shape. The new server is another story, but at least it seems more or less stable now.
It’s now possible to add headlines from other sites to the LISNews homepage you seen when you’re logged in. It’s a very limited list at the moment, but just Let Me Know what other sites you’d like to see and I’ll be happy to add them.
Here’s a quick how-to:

Click on the Change Homepage link over on the left side navigation. Down at the bottom, you should see a section called “Customize Slashboxes” Make sure “Use Slashboxes” is checked, and then just add whatever boxes you’d like. There’s only a few right now (in no particular order): The ALA TechSource Blog , The Library Journal Tech Blog, Steven M Cohen’s Library Stuff, Walt at Random and Tame The Web.

It takes a while to add a new feed, but I’ll be happy to add anything that is Requested.