UPDATED: Natural Next Step for “Deep Throat”…A Book

Recent reports from Reuters and USA Today more or less confirm that a book will be forthcoming on the revelation of the identity of the Nixon-era “Deep Throat” as W. Mark Felt.

Lawyer and “Deep Throat” family friend John O’Connor wrote in Vanity Fair that Felt’s daughter Joan had discussed Felt and Woodward collaborating in a book to reveal Felt’s identity, but that Woodward had put her off.

Robert Weil, executive editor at publisher W. W. Norton, said a book by Felt in collaboration with a co-author would be the biggest prize for any publisher.
While that would indicate a “dream-team” book co-authored by Woodward and Felt is unlikely, O’Connor did hint at a book in the article when he said part of the family’s motivation in going public was that there might be some profit in it.

Update: 06/02 08:09 EST by B:Latest on this story from Thursday’s New York Times and from the Washington Post , Bob Woodward’s fascinating story , “How Mark Felt Became Deep Throat.”