Unshelved Makes Librarian Cry

(AP – Chicago, IL)
     While reading comic Unshelved the other day, reference librarian Aaron Schmidt burst into tears. Library patrons may have been confused by his outpour, but his coworkers were undaunted. “As librarians, we’re accustomed to seeing the misery of our own,” responded Circulation clerk Brent Lipinski.
      When asked about his reaction to the comic, Schmidt squeaked, “There are a variety of reasons the comic elicited such emotion. I was at first overwhelmed by the fact that there were two people [Barnes and Ambaum, the strip’s creators] that understood my situation. Then I got confused and started crying more, because I was scared that they were spying on me to get material. I then realized that there are librarians across the planet dealing with surly patrons and other malcontents. The frustration of all librarians in the world came out of me.”
      Schmidt was given the day off after the incident. He chose to spend it in the library, reading Oscar Wilde and listening to the Smiths on his iPod.