Unraveling of No Child Left Behind

Kathleen writes “The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University helps “renew the civil rights movement by bridging the worlds of ideas and action, and by becoming a preeminent source of intellectual capital and a forum for building consensus within that movement.” Studies such as the Unraveling of No Child Left Behind contribute to the intellectual understanding of the effect of politics on human development.

The Unraveling of No Child Left Behind:
How Negotiated Changes Transform the Law

By Gail L. Sunderman
The intent of this report is to provide policymakers with information they can use to develop a systemic approach to correcting the flaws in NCLB by documenting the requirements that are difficult for states to implement and identifying areas where the law may not be working as intended. ….To improve NCLB, policymakers need to reexamine the core assumptions that underlie NCLB and reevaluate the mechanisms used by NCLB to improve schools and student achievement. To restore legitimacy to the process, policymakers need to include educators, experts, community leaders, and civil rights groups in an open and honest debate about what is needed to reform schools and improve student achievement.”