Two U. of Missouri-Columbia Stories

Firstly, from Anonymous Patron writes Mold spores sprouting at MU library Mold spores have damaged books in the temporary basement location of the University of Missouri-Columbia’s Journalism School Library, and access has been restricted because of health concerns. Christian Basi, a spokesman for the MU, said the library staff discovered mold growing “on a lot of books” about 10 days ago. It’s unclear at this point the extent of the damage and whether any books would have to be replaced or destroyed, Basi said.”

Secondly, and on a much more positive note, The MU College of Education reports that the school received a $615,000 grant last July to increase the number of librarians. The grant was due to a recommendation from First Lady Laura Bush who partnered with the IMLS and helped to set up a grant system. MU is the only institution in the state to receive one of the 35 grants and it will use the grant to recruit nine doctoral students. The students will be part of the Educating Doctoral Students to Prepare the Next Generation of Public and Academic Librarians project (and instruct them on preventing and eliminating mold??).