Twittering the Day…It’s Bloomsday

Today is…Tuesday, June 16. But it’s also Bloomsday, the day James Joyce’s Ulysses is celebrated around the world.

The au courant method of celebrating might be following in the footsteps of James Joyce’s Ulysses hero Leopold Bloom on the blogosphere and Twitterverse, according to The Guardian UK

“Over on Twitter, they’re urging us to eat ‘ghastly things for breakfast’. I’m not sure I can be tempted to start the day with ‘the inner organs of beasts and fowls … thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes’, but I could easily be persuaded into a pint later on.

The twittering classes – ‘the twattering of bards in the twitterlitter’? – are trying to get the #bloomsday tag into Twitter’s trending topics; smatterings of quotes – ‘the heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit’; ‘Stately plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed’ – are intermingling with plans for the day and pledges to actually read the book.”