Trouble in Tampa…”Gay Policy” Too Vague

Here’s the Hillsborough County (FL) policy (and the reason why the gay pride exhibit was removed from the library there): “to abstain from acknowledging, promoting and participating in gay pride events”. The policy was voted in, but not unanimously, on June 15 after West Gate Regional Library received three complaints about its Gay Pride Month display.

But people don’t know what the so-called ‘policy’ means. There’s confusion since Monday’s appearance of Nadine Smith, executive director of the gay and lesbian rights group Equality Florida, on public access television. Since then, librarians, the county’s Citizen Advisory Committee, gay rights activists and others have complained the policy is vague and confusing.

“This shows the policy for what it was all along: a gratuitous attempt to foment a culture war in Hillsborough County,” said Tampa lawyer Rochelle Reback, who sued the county in 2002 to restore funding to public access television. Story here.