Top Technology Trends

K.G. Schneider writes “So help me, I’m an “expert” who will be presenting at LITA’s Top Technology Trends this coming weekend at ALA Midwinter (Sunday, 8:30-11, Sheraton Constitution BR). The trends are those that affect or are important to libraries (that’s broad, huh?).

I have my own ideas for trends, but what do YOU think?

Here are a few of my ideas, to get you started:

Blogs everywhere, for everything
RSS going (almost) mainstream
Flash drives ubiquitous
Storage getting cheaperncheaper
Cell phones with cameras
Ergo, moblogging
Broadband picks up many more users
Wi-fi commonplace
The rise of the citizen journalist

I know I’m supposed to say something hifalutin like “institutional repositories,” and don’t let me stop you from saying so, but in terms of BIG trends, these are what I really see.

I have put a similar post on my own blog, but feel free to comment here, and I’ll watch both places.”