This Week in LibraryBlogLand (June 11, 2007)

This Week in LibraryBlogLand
week ending June 10, 2007


P.C. at wants to remind librarians that it’s easy to implement free and open source software, while Jessamyn West ( wants to know why there aren’t more women in open source (comment from Karen Coombs (Library Web Chic).

David Lee King discusses four things to consider when changing the unchangeable.

There were several discussions on the Web4lib mailing list (April and May 2007) about Skills for Library 2.0 Leaders.

Christopher Harris (Infomancy) lists ten ways to express reservations about Wikipedia while avoiding being seen as someone who doesn’t get it.

Eric Schnell (The Medium is the Message) notes that the Association of British Columbia Public Library Directors has proposed a 5-year phased implementation of the Evergreen ILS for all of British Columbia.

Juliette Loebl guest-posts on Tame the Web: Is That a Bun in Your Hair, or Are You Just Happy to be a Librarian?

Michael Porter (Libraryman) notes that the 365 Library Days Project on Flickr is two months old.

THE LIGHTER SIDE cartoons: [1] [2]


OZarks SirsiDynix Users Group (June 5, 2007)
– Notes from suzyq (The Gordian Knot) and David Lee King.

Special Libraries Association (June 3-6, 2007)
– Notes at j’s scratchpad.
Conference blog
Infotoday Blog.

NASIG (May 31-June 3, 2007)
– Notes from Steve Oberg (Family Man Librarian). More.

(Thanks to Blake for his help this week.)
This Week in LibraryBlogLand (TWiL) appears on every Monday. [Feeds]

This Week in LibraryBlogLand
week ending June 10, 2007


P.C. at wants to remind librarians that it’s easy to implement free and open source software, while Jessamyn West ( wants to know why there aren’t more women in open source (comment from Karen Coombs (Library Web Chic).

David Lee King discusses four things to consider when changing the unchangeable.

There were several discussions on the Web4lib mailing list (April and May 2007) about Skills for Library 2.0 Leaders.

Christopher Harris (Infomancy) lists ten ways to express reservations about Wikipedia while avoiding being seen as someone who doesn’t get it.

Eric Schnell (The Medium is the Message) notes that the Association of British Columbia Public Library Directors has proposed a 5-year phased implementation of the Evergreen ILS for all of British Columbia.

Juliette Loebl guest-posts on Tame the Web: Is That a Bun in Your Hair, or Are You Just Happy to be a Librarian?

Michael Porter (Libraryman) notes that the 365 Library Days Project on Flickr is two months old.

THE LIGHTER SIDE cartoons: [1] [2]


OZarks SirsiDynix Users Group (June 5, 2007)
– Notes from suzyq (The Gordian Knot) and David Lee King.

Special Libraries Association (June 3-6, 2007)
– Notes at j’s scratchpad.
Conference blog
Infotoday Blog.

NASIG (May 31-June 3, 2007)
– Notes from Steve Oberg (Family Man Librarian). More.

(Thanks to Blake for his help this week.)
This Week in LibraryBlogLand (TWiL) appears on every Monday. [Feeds]