Things Making Libraries Look Stupid

The ALA-APA Site from a few years back : Chris Rippel compiled this informal survey after he realized that the front staff did not know where library policies could be found. He figured that things like this happen all the time, and decided to make a list of things that all library staff should know to publish in his newsletter, the CKLS POST. He asked members of two electronic discussion lists, Publib-L and Kanlib-L for help. In his request, he asked which “things” may not get done or may fall through the cracks and could make the librarian, the library staff and the library look incompetent and stupid. He received contributions from across the nation. Not only is it important for staff to know the answers, the people who ask these questions may be the allies you need as you make a case for improving your compensation. Chris was notified that one librarian was going to use this list for training staff.