The Problem With New Library Buildings Is…

It seems as if getting from here (planning for a new library) to there (moving in and celebrating the opening) is getting to be a bit more of a distance these days.

For the Mount Olive (NJ)Township Library, and for other libraries around the country, library boards and staffs are having to deal with contractors that either do not deliver what they’ve promised, do not deliver it on time, or fail to anticipate problems along the way.

In this story from the NJ Recorder , the contractor Blackstone Construction LLC of Newark, low bidder on the 4 million dollar project, was at fault in several areas: cracking of an exterior wall, problems with foundation footings and poor installation of sprinkler systems. Library Director Rita Hilbert said they had no choice but to hire the firm, as they were the lowest bidder and they were not on the state’s disqualified list.

The building was originally due to open last June (photos of groundbreaking), but now because of reconstruction, will be opening after the first of the year.