The myth and truth of computer book publishing

kmhess writes “In case you didn’t know, computer books are usually really big paperback books with information about a specific technical topic that cost around $50, and become obsolete faster than the technology.

With the recent postings regarding how libraries are ‘stealing’ from authors, I’d recommend reading The myth and truth of computer book publishing. For that $50 book, if it sells 5000 copies, $250k total revenue, the author gets about $10k.

…[O]nly 20% of the total revenue is spent on actually producing the book. The breakdown is 9% for the physical printing, 6% for editorial and design and a mere 5% for the author…Book publishing is one of the industries that the distribution and marketing of the goods (65% of the revenue) is much more expensive than the production of the goods (20% of the revenue)

So that $50 Java 1.2 book I finally threw away I could have bought directly from the author for $2.50. Grr…”