The ‘Mild-Manned Librarian” Behind Foetry

This story on Alan Cordle, the oft-despised creator of the website Foetry gives some background on the man who exposed ‘pay-to-submit’ poetry contests. He’s a 36 year old librarian at Portland (OR) Community College.

His website reads, “One of the most common ways American poets publish a book is through open competition at some of the best-known presses. Many publishers require an entry fee, usually $20 to $25 per manuscript. With hundreds or even thousands of entries, a lot of money is involved.

And then it’s a fair competition, right? Wrong.

Over and over again, judges often select their students, friends, and even their lovers. Help us to stop this criminal activity.”

I think there’s some truth to this one…everybody wants to be a published poet. Experiences anyone?