The Limerick Challenge

The Beeb is having a Limerick Challenge in honour of National Poetry Day.
In that spirit, they invite you to come up with the next four lines of any of these openers.

On Arnie’s first day in the job…

At Blackpool one day by the sea…

When Tony asked Gordon to lunch…

A mind-reader picked up a gun…

I’ll try a few openers that might be more interesting:

There once was a man named Dewey…

One fine day I found a book…

I work at the library of Nantucket…

We’re happy to be implementing CIPA…

I’m a proud memeber of the ALA…
Update: 10/10 05:46 EST by B:It’s Friday, it’s funny, so I’m bumping this up a bit. Brian wins a special prize for this one:

The library staff in Nantucket
Supplies its Web surfers with buckets.
A sponge and some bleach,
Within easy reach,
Boston Public Library violates principles of freedom of information by routinely denying requests made through enquiries at the reference desk for records that are legitimately public.