Today’s New York Times checks out the Espresso Book Machine on display for demos in the lobby of the midtown branch of the New York Public Library.
Created by a company co-founded by Jason Epstein, former editorial director of Random House, the Espresso Book Machine, manufactured by On
Demand Books (click link to see a video of the machine making a book) “occupies the space of two deli-style ice cream freezers, looks like office photocopiers attached to a tinted stereo cabinet and computer terminal. It hums, makes spitting noises, moans and then belches out a newly glued book, fresh as bread and almost as hot”–all in about 15 minutes.
Downed, downed out of my head
’round, ’round out of my head
Re:Downed, downed out of my head
I’m gonna live on a mountain, way down under in Australia.
Re:Downed, downed out of my head
I am the son and heir of nothing in particular