The economics of a web-based book: year one

“Take the ex­am­ple of desk­top web browsers. Let’s face it, un­less you’re re­al­ly slow on the up­take, you’ve out­fit­ted your web brows­er with an ad block­er. Ha ha, you win! But wait—that means most web ads are only reach­ing those who are re­al­ly slow on the up­take. So their dol­lars are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly im­por­tant in sup­port­ing the con­tent you’re get­ting ad-free. “Not my prob­lem,” you say. Oh re­al­ly? Since those peo­ple are the only ones fi­nan­cial­ly sup­port­ing the con­tent, pub­lish­ers in­creas­ing­ly are shap­ing their sto­ries to ap­peal to them. Even­tu­al­ly, the con­tent you liked—well, didn’t like it enough to pay for it—will be gone.”